If you want to improve your knowledge in a certain field or topic, then master’s degree studies are the right choice for you. In addition, master’s studies improve your career prospects and development.

As a future master’s student, you can expect intensive studying with the application of acquired knowledge in practice. But what exactly are master’s studies and what effect can they have on the development of your career? In the following lines, we’ve summarized everything we think you need to know, so let’s go!

What are Master’s studies or master’s degree?

A master’s degree is an academic qualification awarded at the postgraduate level to individuals who have successfully completed their studies displaying a high level of expertise in a particular field. Students graduating with a master’s degree should have advanced knowledge of theoretical and applied topics, a high level of skills and techniques related to their chosen subject area, as well as transferable and professional skills acquired through focused learning and research.

What kinds of master’s degree studies are there?

There are availability of different master programs in various fields, but enrollment depends upon your Bachelor studies.

The most common types of master’s degrees are Master of Arts (MA) and Master of Science (MSc). The biggest and most obvious difference between these two titles is the type of discipline that offers each qualification. As the name suggests, the MA is usually awarded in the arts or humanities. On the other hand, you can get an MSc in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Apart from the type of discipline, master’s programs can differ in their duration one to two years, as well as in the modality of teaching: there are even master’s programs that are organized online, but the selection is smaller.

How to enroll to Master studies?

For each Master study program there are fine defined requirements for enrollment. Generally: student has to have finished Bachelor’s degree with minimum 180 ECTS. There are no entrance exams, exceptions are Arts academy, sports programs etc.

In case if there are more applicants than vacant spots for enrollment the candidates are admitted upon their average grade at the end of Bachelor’s degree. At some programs there are some additional requirements which have to be met. Application dates start each year in March.

Why does further education matter after undergraduate studies?

Narrow specialization in certain areas is sought-after in the current labor market, and the specific knowledge provided by master’s studies gives you precisely that advantage. In addition, simply having a master’s degree can help you progress faster in your career, smoothly advancing from starting to managerial and leadership positions. It is important to note that on average employees with a master’s degree earn more than those without one.

Successful careers nowadays require constant, lifelong learning and skills development. Your master’s studies will prepare you and teach you how to follow up on relevant areas long-term and develop your competencies.

Finally, in master’s studies, you can meet people who already have successful careers, and you can form better relationships with professors and lecturers who are experts in their fields and who can help you find employment (networking).

Is it possible to change direction after (basic) undergraduate studies?

Yes – to some extent. You do not have to attend master’s studies in exactly the same field as your undergraduate studies, but you also cannot enroll in any master’s studies after any undergraduate ones; the areas must be more or less related.

Universities in Slovenia have a large number of master’s programs on offer for which it is  not yet too late to apply. Contact us today and find out what you need to continue your academic career in Slovenia. If the decision on the choice of program has not yet been made, we can help you make it! Write to us and let’s continue your academic journey together! Success with 2TM enrollment is guaranteed!

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