The points system, better known as ECTS, is a description of your future academic education expressed in numbers. It is a systematic description that is obtained by assigning a certain number of points to each course, that is, to the subject of the study program. It is applied throughout Europe – and Slovenia is no exception.

What does ECTS mean

ECTS stands for the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. The system is based on the student’s workload during his mastery of the program objectives. The program of each subject is formulated in the form of learning outcomes: knowledge, abilities and skills that the subject includes.

History of ECTS scoring

The system began to be applied in 1989 in Bologna, after which it received the name “Bologna Process”. Today the so-called “Bologna” is an integral part of most European laws on higher education.

ECTS is the only credit system used in Europe and its purpose is to facilitate the easier transfer of credits, which aims at greater student mobility, as it facilitates the recognition of periods of study in other countries.

Advantages of ECTS scoring

ECTS makes it easier to read the curriculum when it is necessary to compare domestic and foreign programs for students who have completed part of their studies abroad. This means that if, for example, you study in Slovenia and spend one semester through a student exchange program, say in Italy, the ECTS points you earned there will automatically be calculated for you and will be recognized as equal at your home university.

Basic characteristics

ECTS is based on a principle according to which 60 points express the workload of a student during one academic year. The workload of the student in mastering a certain program is calculated according to the number of “working hours” of the student, which in most cases is around 1500-1800 hours per year and in these cases one point/credit is awarded for around 25-30 working hours.

Points are awarded after the successful fulfillment of the obligations to the course as a confirmation that the student has met the expected learning outcomes. Learning outcomes mean competence that reflects what a student will know, understand or be able to do after completing a learning process.

Is this system also applied in Slovenia?

Yes, Slovenia is no exception. Universities in Slovenia have successfully applied the ECTS system when evaluating their students for many years. If you decide to study in Slovenia, you will have many opportunities to apply for one of the student exchange programs, as well as to continue your academic journey in another EU country.

Surely there are questions you would like to ask us. The 2TM company is always at your disposal and wants to help you get to free studies in Slovenia in the easiest way and thus make your dreams come true. The first application period in higher education usually starts in March, and if we start preparing for your enrollment now, you have plenty of time to secure yourself a free study programme in Slovenia in 2023. Schedule a free consultation today! We look forward to hearing from you.

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